Simon Magus - The First Year of Catastrophe

Simon Magus is the amalgamation of several longtime friends & musicians looking to create something outside of their varied comfort zones. Musically, the band draws influence from American doom stalwarts like Trouble & Saint Vitus, but also injects melody akin to the Seattle rock scene of the 90's. While Simon Magus may be considered a studio project, the band has set no limitations on what they may do or not do. If it feels right, they go with it. Will they never make another record again or do they have one already waiting in the can? Either way, it's exciting to sit back and wait to see where Simon Magus is headed... (official bio)

Below you will find their debut 'The First Year of Catastrophe' which has had nothing but good things said about it all across the net. It really is an incredible album that fuses retro traditional doom with just the right amount of blues inspired rock.

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